Monday, February 24, 2014

Doctor Who Adventure Games for free in US!

Hello, everyone! Today I am posting about how you can get the Doctor Who Adventure Games for free outside the UK for free from the BBC website! All you need is a program called Expat Shield. I have a Windows 8 and had problems installing it at first, but for Win8 users, I'll show you how to install it later in the post. For now, go to to get a copy of it. It is a free program and is safe to use. I have been using it for quite a while, now. When your download has finished, run Expat Shield. Your browser should open when you run the program. In the tab that opens, Expat will be running. Keep this tab open through this whole process! Once you have downloaded the Adventure Games you want, minimize your internet tab, and install the games. Remember to keep Expat running while the Games are installing. Another nifty thing I learned while using Expat was that you can also view things on the BBC iPlayer! Normally, no one outside the UK can view them. That means free episodes too!

So, how does Expat Shield work for downloading and watching things on BBC that you normally wouldn't be able to outside the UK? Well, I can't really answer this question properly, but what I can say is that it has something to do with temporarily changing your pc's proxy to a UK server. This tricks any UK video or download into thinking that your pc is located within the UK.

Alright Windows 8 users! To solve our issue with the compatibility problem. Normally, when trying to launch the Expat Shield installer, it will only bring up a prompt that says something like this:
Sorry about the fuzzy picture, but it says "The program has compatibility issues. You can get help on the Microsoft website.... Blah blah blah. Well, to fix this issue, you will have to restart your computer in network safe-mode. To do this, follow my steps.
Hold the "start" button and the "r" key at the same time and you should open the "Run" prompt. In the bar, type in the word msconfig and it should take you to this:
Click on the "Boot" Tab. I have it circled in red. Next check the box that says "Safe Boot", and check the dot that says "Network". I have both of these in red:
Click the "apply" and the "ok" button to save the changes. Your computer should bring up a prompt asking to restart your pc. Click yes and restart the pc. The computer should start up in "Safe-Mode". You will notice that your background picture is now a black background. Don't worry about this as it will go back to your previous settings when you restore the safe-mode settings. Now, you can easily install Expat Shield with no problems or compatibility issues. Once you are finished installing Expat Shield, do what I have told you thus far in reverse. That is, type the start+r combination again and type in msconfig in the bar. This time, you will un-check the safe boot box and the network bubble and restart your pc. Your pc will automatically revert to your old settings, this time, with Expat Shield installed. Happy gaming (or watching)! I hope this works for you as it did me!


  1. WHAT?!? I didn't know this was possible and I can't believe it worked! I have a windows 7 and did not have any compatibility issues. Thanks so much!!!

    1. I'm glad my post worked for you, Doctor Whooz Lover! I knew Expat didn't have any troubles with Window's 7, I think it is just Windows 8 that has issues. Love Win8, but hate the bugs that come with! Thanks for posting!

  2. Ok, I was having issues with Expat Shield, too but gave up the fight a little too soon and didn't know anyone else was having that issue. I ran my pc in safe-mode to install Expat and it worked. Thanks for the post, man!

    1. Hey, 143HarryGamer! Thanks for posting! I can't believe how fast you all try this! I just barely got this post up! Ha,ha! I am glad it worked for you!
